2NT as a Raise


[2NT Raise for Partner’s Suit in Competition]


·         When opener or overcaller has shown a suit, 2NT is an artificial raise when bid over a non-pass in all cases but one.  The single exception is:

-          Over a weak jump overcall by the opponents over our opening  (e.g. 1D-2H-2NT is not a raise if 2H is weak).

·         If partner suit’s is a major, 2NT is a useful raise {useful = constructive to bad limit values} with 4+ trumps.

·         If partner’s suit is a minor, 2NT is a weak preemptive raise to three of the minor.

·         If 2NT is bid over a pass, it is natural unless otherwise defined as conventional.


In conjunction with these methods, a raise to three of a minor is constructive, since a weaker hand can bid 2NT, and a jump raise in a major is preemptive, since a stronger hand can bid 2NT or cuebid.


Simple Replacement Structure


Simple replacement bid: after a minor suit opening and a non-jump overcall, play two of the minor to show 10 to 12 balanced.

Thus the structure is:

2 of minor: 10 to 12 balanced.

2NT: weak raise in minor.

3 of minor: constructive raise in minor.

Cuebid: limit or better raise in minor.


Advanced Minor Suit Opening Competitive Structure



After an opening of a minor and a simple overcall (but not the cheapest suit), the use of transfers at the two level allows more hand types to be shown.  In addition, transfers place the overcaller on lead into opener.


Note m=minor, 2m = 2 of the opened minor



If the simple overcall is the cheapest suit above the minor,  2m shows 10 to 12 balanced and all other bids are natural. 


After a simple overcall which is not the cheapest suit, the suit below the cuebid shows 10-12 balanced or a game force hand with no clear direction.  2m is a transfer to the  next suit, showing either a weak two in the next suit or a natural forcing 10+ HCP bid in the next suit.  If the suit above 2m is not just below the cuebid (after 1C-1S or 1D-2C) then that bid is also a transfer; like before showing the next suit and either a weak two bid or natural forcing 10+ HCP hand.  When a transfer is made to a new suit opener completes the transfer if would pass a weak two in the suit.  If opener is minimum and very short in responder’s suit then 3m is rebid instead.  Otherwise with game interest opposite the transfer another call besides 3m or completing the transfer is made to show strength.  2NT over the transfer asks opener to bid 3 of the suit with the usual weak two in the suit, 3NT with good suit & weak two bid strength, and anything else with 10+ HCP.


[Transfer Meanings]



2C Meaning

2D Meaning

2H Meaning

2S Meaning


10-12 balanced.

Limit+ raise in Cs.

Jump shift in competition meaning

Jump shift in competition meaning


5+Ds, 10+ HCP or weak two in Ds.

10-12 balanced+. *

Limit+ raise in Cs.

Jump shift in competition meaning


5+Ds, 10+ HCP or weak two in Ds.

5+Hs, 10+ HCP or weak two in Hs.

10-12 balanced+. *

Limit+ raise in Cs.


Standard, but see note below

10-12 balanced.

Limit+ raise in Ds.

Jump shift in competition meaning


Standard, but see note below

5+Hs, 10+ HCP or weak two in Hs.

10-12 balanced+. *

Limit+ raise in Ds.



5+Hs, 10+ HCP or weak two in Hs.

5+Ss, 10+ HCP or weak two in Ss.

10-12 balanced+. *

(3C is limit raise).

* 10-12 Balanced or game force with no clear direction.


[10-12 Balanced+]

After a simple overcall, the 10-12 balanced hand is always shown by bidding just below the cuebid of the opponent’s suit.  Opener can bid 2NT or 3NT or can ask for a stopper by cuebidding the opponent’s suit.  If the 10-12 balanced bid is not 2m, responder can also use the bid with a hand with no clear direction and a game force.  Examples:

1D-1S(overcall)-2H(10-12 bal.+)-Pass-2S(asks for stopper)-Pass-3NT (extras).

1C-1S-2H(10-12 bal.+)Pass-2NT-Pass-3H(GF, no clear direction)

1D-2C-2S(10-12 bal.+)-Pass-2NT-Pass-3D (GF, no clear direction).


[Transfers in Further Competition]

If the opponents compete after the transfer bid, responder with a weak hand usually does not take another call, while 10+ HCP hands are shown by doubling or bidding.  2NT by opener if fourth hand bids is good/bad.  Examples:

1C-1S (overcall)-2D (H transfer)-4S-Pass-Pass-Double shows 5+Hs, 10+ HCP.

1D-2C(overcall)-2H (S transfer)-Double-2NT is good/bad, a hand that wants to compete to three level without very good values.


[2C after 1D Opening and 1M overcall]

If playing the scheme above, then after our 1D opening and their 1M overcall, 2C can be bid with a long C suit, even without normal responding values.  The idea of this and the transfers above is to show the suit as soon as possible.  Playing this method, a 3C rebid by responder shows a long suit, weak hand.