Here is a
fictional story I wrote several years ago about hesitations after the Bridge
Today magazine recommended take action when partner hesitates.
Just Plain
My nickname
is "Lucky". No doubt, this is
the result of my "luck" with women (two divorces and countless failed
relationships) than because of my rare success at the bridge table. Sometimes, though, I am actually lucky at
cards, even if I don't want to be, as at the last regional.
In the Swiss
event Swifty, my regular partner, and I were teamed up with the
"Infallibles", a husband and wife partnership who are famed for their
consistency: they infallibly miss a slam once a session and they infallibly
argue about it. We had won our first
three matches and were playing the last match before dinner: a match I hate to
lose because the pizza never tastes as good as when one wins. I picked up in first seat:
S 105 H AQ986 D A C AQ743
opponents were supposed to be some "expert" team but I just couldn't
place the two guys with beards sitting at our table. I opened one heart and LHE (left hand expert) overcalled two spades,
weak. Swifty passed, in tempo for most
players, but I detected a definite hesitation, as Swifty is one of the fastest
bidders this side of Al Roth.
This was
clearly a situation to "go the other way", as the editors of Bridge
Today have advised. I passed, and we
easily defeated two spades three tricks, luckily avoiding the zero play games,
for a nice gain. The expert on my right
(RHE) asked me why I passed two spades.
trying to hang partner" I explained.
This produced a puzzled look on the faces of both experts. Probably not subscribers of Bridge Today I
My next hand
D --- C QJ532
opened three diamonds, and I doubled.
LHE jumped to six diamonds.
Over the six
diamond call, I distinctly picked up another hesitation by Swifty. There was only one solution: pass.
With the
appropriate wild distribution, the slam made on the nose (needless to say, the
Infallibles missed the slam. The
experts were eager to know why I did not double their contract.
the game" I replied, meaning, of course, for the good of the game. This did not seem to really satisfy
them. The next few boards flew by
(especially with Swifty being declarer on two).
The last
board of the round produced yet another problem. I held:
S 102 H K64 D K972 C
LHE opened
three spades, doubled by Swifty. RHE
passed and I paused to evaluate my hand based on the bidding.
I thought
about this for a few seconds, then suddenly realized that I had hesitated. In fact my tempo is usually slow, but I knew
my thinking had shown I had a problem and thus I had entered the "hanging
zone". The longer I thought, the
more I knew partner would have to hang me and the less I knew what to do.
Finally it
came to me: I would have to place the contract!
where? My mind wondered back to Bridge
Today. The editors would be proud of
us, I thought, for being so ethical, but I was beginning to wonder what our
team-mates, the Infallibles, would say if the "hang your partner"
approach cost the match. Then I thought
of a Bridge Today Lesson Sheet pointer - "risk a notrump bid without a
stopper." Amazing, I reflected, I
would never have considered this if I hadn't hesitated.
My call of three
notrump was passed out as expected.
When spades blocked and a couple of finesses worked, we scored up our
vulnerable game (as it turned out, the swing necessary to win the match). I saw
RHE raise his eyebrows as he wrote down the result.
"I had
to place the contract for I knew partner would have to hang me" I told
him. RHE contemplated this for a
moment. Then as he got up to leave the
table, he stopped, and looked at me.
"Just a
word of advice" he said.
"This game is hard enough, without having to be your own judge and
jury. Just make your bid and most
people will be happy. The others will
never be."
It was one
lesson I was lucky to learn.