Speculation: Fantoni-Nunes will be off the Italian team?
As I'm starting to write this I'm watching the Lavazza team play in the last round of the International Teams Tournament Monte-Carlo 2008 - the Italian pairs are:
This was a swing against the Italians:
After a spade lead, Madala declarer took the heart finesse, which lost, and was down one, for -13 IMPs. In the other room North opened 3NT gambling, passed out, and Sementa led the jack of diamonds - declarer took the top diamonds, the spade king, and then knocked out the club ace.
Maria Teresa Lavazza is the manager of Italy's top squad ("Commissario Tecnico") and essentially calls the shots - as the primary sponsor, she decides who gets paid to play - the Italian team that won the 2008 World Championships are professional players, and the way the Italian squad works is it has 6 pros and the sponsor is the Captain (or NPC: Non-Playing Captain). US squads often have 5 pros and the client (another term for sponsor), where the client plays with one of the pros.
Meanwhile in the "White House" 7th European Bridge Champions' Cup we have the defending champion Angelini team with these Italian players:
While Versace normally plays with Lauria, as I'm writing this section, he's playing with Angelini, and the German squad has just scored 39 unanswered IMPs against the Italians. One of the biggest swings so far was:
In this room Angelini led a fourth best spade. When Versace, West, got in on the first diamond, he switched to a club, won by the queen, and declarer cashed two diamonds and knocked out the heart ace to make 10 tricks. In the other room Piekarek led the club ten (auction by Nunes-Fantoini was 1D-2NT;-3NT, their 2NT was a game force with a 5 card major, any 5332), and 3NT had no play.
To best understand the Italian version of musical chairs read this BBO forum thread:
The short version of this is:
- Angelini is also a major sponsor of Italian bridge, but loves to play (like most of the US clients, and players in general - from the last post compare the number who watch a vugraph to those who play)
- Fantoni-Nunes were taken off the Italian team for the 2008 European Champions (in Pau), and replaced by Angelini-Sementa, who were ineffectual.
- Pau was the last major event for the Duboin-Bocchi, who had decided to split up as a partnership.
- For the 08 Worlds, Duboin played with Sementa, Fantoni-Nunes were added back on to the team, and Bocchi stayed home.
The last board of the segment gave a chance for the Germans to overtake the Italians again:
Gromoller led the spade 6, Versace ducked in dummy (see Billy Eisenberg's Bols Tip "Play low from dummy": http://www.haroldschogger.com/play_low_from_dummy.htm), and Kirmse played the spade king instead of the ten - now the queen could be ruffed out and the slam made.
A few years ago the Italians imported Argentinean whiz-kid Agustin Madala to their country, where he has been mentored and coached by the top Italian players, and the Bocchi-Madala partnership is now ready to represent the Italians at the top levels.
This means that Maria Teresa Lavazza can pick any 3 partnerships from this mix, if she continues on as Commissario Tecnico:
Let's look at how captain Lavazza used Fantoni-Nunes in the 08 World Championships:
In the Finals Fantoni-Nunes only were in for segments 1,2 & 4 of the 6 - Lauria-Versace played all but segment 2, Duboin-Sementa played 2, 3, 5 & 6 - thus Lavazza used Fantoni-Nunes the least of her pairs, started them early in the final, but didn't play them late.
In the semi-finals Lavazza used Fantoni-Nunes more, but the match had gotten away from the Norway.
In the tough quarter final match against Poland, Lavazza used Fantoni-Nunes in segments 1, 2, 4 & 5.
This use-early, bench-late configuration for Fantoni-Nunes, has me speculating that Lavazza likes her other pairs better, and I think we may see the Lavazza team partnership of Bocchi-Madala replace Fantoni-Nunes for the 09 Worlds.
I had been looking at the Fantoni-Nunes record for their 10-13 (or so) two bids - I wanted to know how it worked for them when they opened at their table (say with a 10 count), and the other table passed. What I found was, in the 08 Worlds vugraph records, that all hands Fantoni-Nunes opened at the two level were opened at the other table at some level (mostly at the one level). Their two-of-a-minor bids did not generate much IMPs, while the two-of-a-major bids were involved in some swings, the majority for the Italians.
I'll miss their two-bids if Fantoni-Nunes don't get to play in the 09 Worlds.
As I'm starting to write this I'm watching the Lavazza team play in the last round of the International Teams Tournament Monte-Carlo 2008 - the Italian pairs are:
This was a swing against the Italians:
After a spade lead, Madala declarer took the heart finesse, which lost, and was down one, for -13 IMPs. In the other room North opened 3NT gambling, passed out, and Sementa led the jack of diamonds - declarer took the top diamonds, the spade king, and then knocked out the club ace.
Maria Teresa Lavazza is the manager of Italy's top squad ("Commissario Tecnico") and essentially calls the shots - as the primary sponsor, she decides who gets paid to play - the Italian team that won the 2008 World Championships are professional players, and the way the Italian squad works is it has 6 pros and the sponsor is the Captain (or NPC: Non-Playing Captain). US squads often have 5 pros and the client (another term for sponsor), where the client plays with one of the pros.
Meanwhile in the "White House" 7th European Bridge Champions' Cup we have the defending champion Angelini team with these Italian players:
While Versace normally plays with Lauria, as I'm writing this section, he's playing with Angelini, and the German squad has just scored 39 unanswered IMPs against the Italians. One of the biggest swings so far was:
In this room Angelini led a fourth best spade. When Versace, West, got in on the first diamond, he switched to a club, won by the queen, and declarer cashed two diamonds and knocked out the heart ace to make 10 tricks. In the other room Piekarek led the club ten (auction by Nunes-Fantoini was 1D-2NT;-3NT, their 2NT was a game force with a 5 card major, any 5332), and 3NT had no play.
To best understand the Italian version of musical chairs read this BBO forum thread:
The short version of this is:
- Angelini is also a major sponsor of Italian bridge, but loves to play (like most of the US clients, and players in general - from the last post compare the number who watch a vugraph to those who play)
- Fantoni-Nunes were taken off the Italian team for the 2008 European Champions (in Pau), and replaced by Angelini-Sementa, who were ineffectual.
- Pau was the last major event for the Duboin-Bocchi, who had decided to split up as a partnership.
- For the 08 Worlds, Duboin played with Sementa, Fantoni-Nunes were added back on to the team, and Bocchi stayed home.
The last board of the segment gave a chance for the Germans to overtake the Italians again:
Gromoller led the spade 6, Versace ducked in dummy (see Billy Eisenberg's Bols Tip "Play low from dummy": http://www.haroldschogger.com/play_low_from_dummy.htm), and Kirmse played the spade king instead of the ten - now the queen could be ruffed out and the slam made.
A few years ago the Italians imported Argentinean whiz-kid Agustin Madala to their country, where he has been mentored and coached by the top Italian players, and the Bocchi-Madala partnership is now ready to represent the Italians at the top levels.
This means that Maria Teresa Lavazza can pick any 3 partnerships from this mix, if she continues on as Commissario Tecnico:
Let's look at how captain Lavazza used Fantoni-Nunes in the 08 World Championships:
In the Finals Fantoni-Nunes only were in for segments 1,2 & 4 of the 6 - Lauria-Versace played all but segment 2, Duboin-Sementa played 2, 3, 5 & 6 - thus Lavazza used Fantoni-Nunes the least of her pairs, started them early in the final, but didn't play them late.
In the semi-finals Lavazza used Fantoni-Nunes more, but the match had gotten away from the Norway.
In the tough quarter final match against Poland, Lavazza used Fantoni-Nunes in segments 1, 2, 4 & 5.
This use-early, bench-late configuration for Fantoni-Nunes, has me speculating that Lavazza likes her other pairs better, and I think we may see the Lavazza team partnership of Bocchi-Madala replace Fantoni-Nunes for the 09 Worlds.
I had been looking at the Fantoni-Nunes record for their 10-13 (or so) two bids - I wanted to know how it worked for them when they opened at their table (say with a 10 count), and the other table passed. What I found was, in the 08 Worlds vugraph records, that all hands Fantoni-Nunes opened at the two level were opened at the other table at some level (mostly at the one level). Their two-of-a-minor bids did not generate much IMPs, while the two-of-a-major bids were involved in some swings, the majority for the Italians.
I'll miss their two-bids if Fantoni-Nunes don't get to play in the 09 Worlds.
At 12:31 PM,
Bruce Scott said…
You've mentioned the Fantunes methods a few times in this blog and in your system notes. I wonder whether you might comment on the possibilities for trying to make the system ACBL GCC legal. The system is intriguing to me as a good fit for a potential new partner (who likes very sound 1 bids and Trent two bids). It seems like it might not be possible to make it legal, however. 1NT systemically with 4-4-4-1 hands is verboten. I can open some of them 1NT with stiff honors and downgrade some of them to passes. With bad 12 counts, this doesn't bother me. I can upgrade the 14s. What do I do with the good 12s and the 13s? If I open them 1m, I dilute the minimum strength of the bid.
I can decide to only shade the 1D openings, but then 1D only promises 1 card. You lose the competitive advantage of knowing that opener has either a good suit or a good hand or both. If you play the opening as forcing but allow run-of-the-mill 12 counts to open 1D, then you do run a real risk of getting too high. If you change the opening to nonforcing, you have to do something else with the very good diamond hands. 2NT and 3NT could be used to cover various gameforcing hands with one or both minors relatively easily, I think.
Otherwise, I can give up one of the minor suit 2 openings to play as a three suiter. This does not particularly appeal.
The multi-meaning 2/1 bids do not seem to be legal either. You used some creativity to get to semi-natural (guaranteeing 3+ cards and natural or balaned) 2m/1 sequences in a few of your system designs, but this would leave out some hands (e.g. the good diamond raises without three clubs after a 1D opener).
Do you see 1D-2D (NF bad hand with 5 spades and 4 hearts) as legal? It names a potential strain, and raising with shortage is certainly common enough over preemptive openings. Not sure the TDs will see it that way.
Too many obstacles to start with, making the system a nonstarter in ACBL land?
At 7:37 PM,
Bruce Scott said…
Oh, and I am aware of Gerben Dirksen's Every 2nd Hand an Adventure system at http://www.geocities.com/gerben47/bridge/#systems
This does give me some of the elements that I like, but loses parts of Fantunes that I would like to have. For instance, the 4-4-4-1 hands are included in the minor suit openings. This means that I will not be allowed transfer responses to 1C in ACBL GCC (because the 1C opening doesn't promise 15 HCP).
brucescott14 AT comcast DOT net
At 6:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is an interesting contribute about the fact:
by :)
At 6:25 AM,
Antonello said…
Read the intersting contribute about fantoni's exclusion in an italian magazine
At 8:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
this the bocchi's interviwe:
but no words about fantunes.... strange
At 9:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
another contrbute in english
is here, glenn
At 10:30 AM,
antonello said…
i think very interesting this one:
At 8:11 AM,
Antonello said…
glenn, another contribute about Fantoni and Ostend 2010
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