(The recent world championship gives us a treasure trove that can be examined to study systems and style implications for success. For this chapter of the study, 4cM stands for 4 card majors, and our look at the recent world championships will focus on the use of openings that show 4 card majors).
Even with two of the three English pairs using 4cMs, there wasn't much 4cM action in the finals.
On board 21 of the second segment the 4cM opening found the 4-4 fit fast - the jump to 3S was a fit showing jump.
At the other table both North and East passed first, and then it was 1S-2C(Drury-fit for Ss);-(2D)-2H-4H. Both 4H contracts had no play with 2-2 diamonds in NS.
On board 20 of the fifth segment, the Italians used a standard approach of bidding all the four suits, then final park it in notrump:
Here we see the Hackett approach - first find 4-3 fits in both majors, then retreat to 3NT:
Against the Italians, North led a diamond and declarer finished +600. Against the English, South led a club, and in the ending declarer got an overtrick when North discarded a diamond.
Later on board 27 another 4cM opening ends in a notrump contract:
In the Closed Room it was 1C(could-b-short-as-2)-2C(inverted);-2D-3H(short Hs)-3NT. The Italians got a heart lead, for +430. The English got a diamond lead, for +460.
Chapter 2 analysis:
4cM were not a direct success factor in the world championships. They are certainly playable.
Negatives include:
- A 4cM opening often delivers less playing value than a 5cM opening with the same point count - responder could misjudge how high to compete.
- Responder under pressure may have to resort to a 3 card M raise, sometimes landing in a uncomfortable 4-3 major fit.
Positives include:
- Fast arrival to 4M can generate IMPs
- Can make other openings more natural (see last board where "suit" Italian opened is 62), or fix system gaps.
What happens much of the time:
Same contract at other table, since all systems have methods of investigating for 4cM fits.
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