
This blog provides supplementary thoughts and ideas to the site. If you haven't seen the main site, there is a lot there including the Martel and Rodwell interviews, photos, and articles. This blog is focused on advancing bridge theory by discussing the application of new ideas. All original content is copyright 2009 Glen Ashton.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

On board 8 of the England-Italy Open final, some commentators called board 8 a "cold slam" and "South dropped the ball":















The 2H opening was 10-13 or a great 9. The commentators, looking at all four hands, can see, in 6 Clubs, 1 heart loser and no club loser by picking up the clubs - however will that happen? With only 13 high card points out declarer can reasonably play clubs to be 2-2, and the "cold slam" is down 1, just like it was in the Japan-US match when Japan was NS. It's important to always consider bridge hands from declarer's viewpoint, not just the double dummy "can see all four hands" possibilities. Likewise here 6 Spades is a better contract than 6 Clubs (club loser can be eliminated by ruffing the third round of clubs), but can North-South arrange to play in their 8 card fit instead of their 9 card fit? Here, instead of "dropping the ball" I think the Hacketts did well.


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