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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Here are some schemes that restructure the one level minor suit opening framework to incorporate a 1NT 10-12 opening. For a discussion on some of the related issues, see the entry just before this.

A) 1C Handles 15-17 Bal

1C: Cs or 15-17 balanced
1D: Ds or 13-14 balanced or 18-19 balanced

Analysis: Minor suit openings are both 2+. Straight-forward bidding sequences.

B) 1C Handles 16-18 Bal

1C: Cs or 16-18 balanced
1D: Ds or 13-15 balanced or 19-20 balanced

Analysis: Minor suit openings are both 2+. Straight-forward bidding sequences. 1D covers more range when minimum balanced. 1C is more bullet-proof.

C) 1C Handles 13-14 or 18-19 Bal

1C: Cs or 13-14 or 18-19 balanced
1D: Ds or 15-17 balanced

Analysis: Minor suit openings are both 2+. Straight-forward bidding sequences. 15-17 does not have the room that A has to unwind, while 13-14 gains room it will often not need.

D) 1C Handles 16-20 Bal

1C: Cs or 16-20 balanced
1D: Ds or 13-15 balanced

Analysis: Minor suit openings are both 2+. Straight-forward bidding sequences. 1D is only balanced when minimum.

E) Wide Range

Note: Some who play 10-12 still want the minor openings to be 3+. The consequence is wider range for 1NT rebids.

1C: Cs or 13-18 balanced with 3+Cs
1D: Ds or 13-18 balanced with 3+Cs
2C: Handles strong hands including 19-20 balanced (2NT is 21-22 balanced)

Complexity: 1m-1M--1NT is 13-16, 1m-1M--2NT is 17-18.

Analysis: Minor suit openings are both 3+. 1NT rebid is a bit too wide. Hard for opener to show particular balanced range on some sequences when the opps are into the bidding.

F) Narrow

Note: the concept here is to use narrow ranges for 1NT rebids thus less invites-and-pass contracts – either go to game or stay low

1C: Cs or 15-18 balanced
1D: Ds or 13-14 balanced
2C: Handles strong hands including 19-20 balanced (2NT is 21-22 balanced)

Complexity: If it goes 1C-1D, opener can use Kokish 1H rebid (showing Hs or balanced) to show 17-18 balanced – thus 1C-1D--1NT is 15-16.

Analysis: 2+ minors. NT rebids are two-point ranges, so less invites necessary.

G) Hybrid

Note: Somewhat based on ETM Victory system, the idea was that 1C would be either Cs, or big balanced, or some hybrid of hands that were both Cs+balanced and just less than big balanced

1C: Cs or 15-17 balanced or, 13-14 balanced with either 5Cs and/or just 2Ds, or 18-19 balanced not suitable for 1D opening
1D: Ds or 13-14 balanced with 3+Ds, or 18-19 balanced with 3+Ds

Complexity: uses 1C-1M--2D as two-way: D reverse or extra value raise to 2M. This allows 1C-1M--2M to be bid with the less than 15 hands only. 1C-1M--1NT is 15-17 or 5Cs and 13-14 (so decent playing value).

Analysis: 1D is 3+ instead of 2+. Some complexity.

H) System using the Fantoni-Nunes model

For whole system ideas, one can take the Fantoni-Nunes system and modify it slightly to incorporate the 10-12 NV 1NT and make it a little lighter.

It could be:

1C: 15+ Balanced or 13+ Cs
1D: 13+ Ds or 13-14 Balanced
1M: 5 or longer major, 13/14+ or 11-13 with both majors
1NT: 10-12
2C: 5+Cs, 9-12
2D: 5+Ds, 9-12
2M: 5 or longer major, 9-12, must have a singleton if just a five card suit
2NT: 21-22 Balanced


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